Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Learning Mandarin in Second Life!


My sister just left after a 10day visit and I had friends from Europe drop in, so i have felt like a social butterfly, sorta kinda maybe not..lol

But, What really has me going is in Second Life there is a new school that Random and I have been working on that teaches Mandarin Chinese.. I have always thought that Chinese was way way way over my head but the teachers are patient...and explain the sounds. They are able to work with complete beginners, and people wanting to brush up on their Mandarin too.

I have met a wonderful team of people associated with the school. Check out the link.


Its interactive, its fun...its not sitting in front of a screen its...actually playing while you learn! The best part is you have actual Chinese mandarin teachers. You can pick your avatar, and dress up!!!

If you watch this video http://t.co/LGbT0Rj it makes you think about how the whole concept of teaching is the same everywhere for as long as we can all remember...until TODAY. 3d Avatar School changes the whole idea of learning and teaching and their support system is amazing.

While checking out the web site listed above ...notice the first class is free!

There are mountains, floating clouds, fruit you can climb, challenge games for groups, "lofty" games and sooo much more. I could go into more detail but, you need to check it out yourself. Planning a trip to China, or wanting to brush up on Chinese Mandarin before you head to high school or college in the fall...

I cannot think of an easier way to learn a foreign language. Hope you do take time to check it out. You honestly have never been in a classroom like this!

xoxox Xandi

ps Check out the picture below :)