Saturday, November 14, 2009



I have been pretty busy ..but made a few new sets..hope you take time to check it out.. I have my Christmas things out...I love this time of year. Lots of cute things...
If you land in Del Sol Furniture..there is a landmark for it..or if you know the area..its in the center of Del Sol too..right next door. I have trees, wreaths, angels, stars, santas, ms claus,misfit toys (my fav) old fashion Christmas have to see to appreciate lol

Dogs ....Penny is getting huge..she is 72lbs...And Katie still sweet night was bath time..when its done the bathroom is soaked..and they get so excited afterwards..running, fighting, jumping around. I always bath Penny first.... and afterwards Katie...Penny peeks in watching me give Katie a bath...waiting for her playmate. lol

Penny is a golden retriever..and when im at the computer and she needs attention ..she nudges her nose in the bend by my elboe.and pushes up ..knocking my arm till i stop and play with her.....she loves to be petted..and at the end stands facing me sitting in the chair giving me kisses lol ..Katie on the other hand comes..and stands..waiting patiently for me to pet her..and..then i cant stop..she keeps butting my leg till i continue... I kinda think my life is ruled by my pooches!!!

Almost turkey day...not sure if ill get turkey this year..I have been clearing my home, packing. painting and throwing things away..and giving things away..Turkey always makes me sleepy and
I always eat wayyyy to much of everything. My favorite part is the 7 layer salad..I could eat that everyday...(not a bad idea) oh! and i want to annouce my favorite cake is German Choc..or Coconut them both. But i hardly get either and spend alot of time..eating peanut butter just not living right!

Im reading a book..The Lost Symbol..Gosh its good..all sorts of facts about Washington etc etc..Dan is such a good writer..

ok ok ok ..real life is calling hope you all have a Wonderful, Blessed, Happy, Food filled Thanksgiving with lots of relatives and friends around!


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Paris Apartment!


Well the new furniture addition is called Paris. Its so cute with little surprises. The working clock is adorable ..A rendition of the Eiffel Tower is amazing! Its a lamp! And as the probably cutest thing in all of Second Life, the rug is astro turf with a rubber mat..and it grows little flowers..awwww. You can turn that function on and off. Then the little retro suitcase table is cute cute cute.. Hope you take a min to check it out.

All is well here hope it is on your side of the world!!! Oh! Happy Mothers Day! (if it applies)



Tuesday, May 5, 2009


New things at Del Sol Furniture... I have pictures of a couple of new sets below. Its an odd blend of color light blues and reds but I love it... Hope you like it too!!!

If you have not seen the store lately . check it out.

I have some time off and im updating lots of things in the store and adding new things..

And yes I have decided to start a group for Del Sol, so .I'll do it in the next few days. Hope you have room for one more group. eeeek

When you check the new set out ..see the little topiary, the bubble gun cigars, the old life magazines... just a cute blend of retro and new..

ok ok ok off to do more work!!


Saturday, April 11, 2009



hope you take a min to check out Del Sol...i have put a few new sets out. i always have the best intentions but lately life has been a bit hectic..

i have been knocking around the idea of creating a group..and sticking to it and .offering discounts and im going to think on how to do it effective and make it worthy of asking you to away a random item seems a bit jaded , if it does not match or go with your i want to ponder it and do what is best!!!

i don't hardly ever go out , so tonight i went to a baseball game..and ..while there it rained so hard, had strong winds, knocked out power, took some roofs off, downed trees, took down power poles... for hours.. Everyone had to sit there in the dark with just emergency lights..waiting!!! so it just proves going out is not all its cracked up to be!!!!

if you ever decide you want to learn to speak spanish ... you can do that in secondlife!!! at .. they have beautiful sims that are a so much like a small spanish town. they have certified teachers and the cost very very very resonable to join and go to class. you learn how to order food, shop, go to different tourist spots without ever leaving your home. so when your ready to head over to Spain, you can know you have learned from people actually living in that country. they have english courses too in a different area and its so interesting. go check it out and and take some lessons and play games, role play and learn while your having fun!! check out the web thought is that we spend so much time in secondlife why not use part of your time to learn a new language!! you can see pictures of the english and spanish towns.

i just really think its such a neat concept.

well im off to sleep ..and hope to see you soon :)
xoxoxox xandi

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy Almost Spring !


Well I have been so busy..but happy to have time now to update my items in Del Sol.

I have some new ideas I will be working on in the next week. The urge I have is spring, plants, furniture mixed in to give a kinda of mix and match feel..So it will be serveral pieces that match dif sofas, rugs, chairs..antiques,modern...and you bring it together with your color and feelings

When im done..ill be boxing older sets and setting them for sale at a discount ..yay!

On the personal side.. We had snow here!!! I honestly think it was 2 inches maybe more. It seem like a blizzard, it was comming down so fast...but and a huge but!! The very next week it was 80degrees

My furry buddies, Katie and Penny are great... had an alpha dog issue..since Penny(golden retriever) is getting huge..but its resolved.

So in closing please check back in about a week!!! Pretty Please, with a cherry on top!



Thursday, January 8, 2009

Comfort furniture


I am working on several new sets... ..I have one set done, Alexandrias Comfort. The picture is shown below.

As always ty for reading and shopping at Del Sol Furniture
xoxoxoxox Xandi Mars

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year

I have been busy with the holidays and not on here as much..but i have started updateing furniture at Del Sol Furniture and Del Sol Too (outdoor things) as hard as this is to believe im getting spring fever..wanting hot weather..sun sun sun...

My crazy puppy..Penny is about 6months old now..and she is a HAND FULL!!! She has a best friend Katie (my other doggie)

I really enjoy Secondlife but its been a bit buggie for me lately ..not sure why...

My thoughts are jumbled so i better close ..just wanted you to know im still alive and building

Thank-You for stopping in to check my blog out..

xoxoxox Xandi